09 Aug How to become a Time Assistant
If you have entrepreneurial flair and the drive to succeed in life but you are also commercially aware enough to realise how difficult it is to integrate into the world of business, especially in this economic climate, and are therefore stumped as how to proceed with your career… Then we have the answer you are looking for! Becoming a Time Assistant is both challenging and rewarding. If you would like a career that is never the same two days running, will push you to reach your highest potential and will allow you the flexibility to have a fruitful and enjoyable life then the information about to follow may be of great interest to you…
Key characteristics of being a Time Assistant:
Successful entrepreneurs must have the ability to promote their business. You must utilise every opportunity to sell yourself and what you do. Remember, every one you meet is a potential new client!
When you join the Time Assistant brand, you will be your own boss. This allows flexibility, freedom and a limitless number of things you can implement into your business as and when you see fit. However, with this freedom comes responsibility. You must now think as a business owner and as such ensure that you are working to the best of your ability at all times, this means putting in the hours to develop your company.
Working with Time Assistant involves dealing with a whole range of clients from entirely different sectors within the business world. You must be punctual, fastidious and exceptionally organised. The work is interesting, challenging and all deadlines must be met promptly to ensure the satisfaction of every client.
Interaction with Social Media
Working for yourself can sometimes be lonely. However, building an online presence can eliminate this issue whilst simultaneously promoting your business. Connecting online with like-minded people will ultimately spread the word about what you are doing. You can also use social media to speak to clients, communicate with customers and even connect with competitors. It is a very useful tool.
Investing your time wisely
Being your own boss requires a lot of hard work. You must learn new skills and develop existing ones very quickly in order to make your business a success. Putting in long hours at the office may also be necessary until you are properly established.
Questions you must ask yourself
Do you have adequate finances to begin this venture?
Building a client base does not happen over a set period in time. It will be a gradual process. The expansion of your business and the development of your client base go hand in hand. However, it may take a while to begin trading to a standard at which point you can take a notable salary. We recommend that you have at least six to nine month’s worth of savings when you begin as an option to fall back on in the worst-case scenario.
Do you have the self-discipline required to run your own business?
Your time is now worth money and you must therefore be incredibly prudent with how you spend it. The key is to create boundaries. In doing this you maintain a separation between your home and your work life and are able to commit fully to the business whilst ensuring you have some down time.
Do you have a reliable support system?
Having people for support will undoubtedly motivate you into making your business successful. Sacrifices are necessary in the early stages of any new venture and having relationships with people that will help you, will make this transition much easier.
Have you conducted the necessary research?
To manage a successful Virtual Assistant company, it must be researched thoroughly prior to being initiated. However, one of the benefits of coming on-board as part of the Time Assistant franchise is that we are already an established and successful company and as such can share our knowledge and answer any questions you might have. We are also on hand and able to mentor you through the beginning stages of the business.
What do to next…
If the idea of running your own business is music to your ears and you wish to connect with a company who are successful, supportive and superb then contact Time Assistant for more information!